The Difference Between Booklists & Bookshelves on Goodreads
On Goodreads, a bookshelf is a collection of books that you have added to a specific shelf in your Goodreads account. You can create multiple bookshelves and label them however you like, such as “Want to Read,” “Currently Reading,” “Have Read,” etc. You can add a book to one of your bookshelves by going to the book’s page on Goodreads and clicking the “Add to shelf” button.
A booklist, on the other hand, is a list of books that someone has compiled and shared on Goodreads. A booklist can be created by any Goodreads user and can be about any topic or theme. Other users can view the booklist and add the books on the list to their own bookshelves if they wish. Booklists can be a useful way to discover new books to read or to find recommendations on a specific topic.

How to Find Fun Booklists on Goodreads
There are a few ways you can find the best booklists on Goodreads:
You can use the Goodreads search function to find booklists on specific topics or themes. To do this, click on the “Lists” tab on the top menu of the Goodreads website, then enter a search term into the search bar. For example, if you are interested in booklists about travel, you could search for “travel booklists.” This will bring up a list of booklists that match your search term.
You can also browse the Listopia section of Goodreads to find popular booklists on a variety of topics. To do this, click on the “Lists” tab on the top menu of the Goodreads website, then click on the “Listopia” subtab. This will show you a list of popular booklists that have been created by Goodreads users.
You can also ask your friends or other Goodreads users for recommendations on good booklists to check out. You can do this by posting a question on your Goodreads feed or by joining a Goodreads group related to your interests.
You can check out the recommendations that Goodreads makes for you based on your reading history. To do this, click on the “Recommendations” tab on the top menu of the Goodreads website. This will show you book recommendations based on the books you have rated and reviewed on Goodreads. You can also find booklists on this page by clicking on the “Lists” tab on the left side of the page.
- Finally, you can find new and interesting booklists right here on the website by checking out the Best Booklists tab at the top of this page or by looking for unique booklists toward the bottom of each of our PurdyBooks blog posts. Most blog posts have new and interesting booklists featured under the ‘Our Favorite Booklists’ section.
Fun Books Versus Popular or Classic Books
What is the book trend of the day? What book does your literature teacher think you ‘should’ read? These are the questions answered by most book recommendations lists. That’s where the following books suggestions and favorite booklists are different. They don’t follow any certain literary fad, popular book trend or ‘books that stand the test of time’ nonsense. They are books that are listed for no other reason than they are fun. And yes, you have our permission to occasionally read for fun and relaxation and not for any higher world order. So feel free to look through our Purdy Book blog posts for fun books from all genres and all age/reading levels. Don’t lose track of the reason you fell in love with books and reading in the first place.