Follow PurdyBooks on Social Media 
Where would we be without social media… besides having a couple extra hours in a day that we’re not tweeting, posting & Liking? But seriously, social media can be a fun and worthwhile tool for authors and bibliophiles. The literary community is very supportive on social media sites… assuming they know you’re out there in the world of Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. So I’d like to use this blog-post to reveal where you can find PurdyBooks on social media and what you might find in our various tweets and posts.
Quick List of PurdyBooks Social Media Outlets
What to Look for on PurdyBooks Social Media Accounts
What will you find when you follow PurdyBooks on social media? We will share information about new books, booklists, writing tips, tittles in the PurdyBooks library, author interviews, book suggestions and an occasional joke or two. We’ll also suggest other social media accounts or even specific pins, tweets & posts within the PurdyBooks Social Media universe. For example, we will often direct you to particularly good pins & boards from the PurdyBooks Pinterest account. Of course each of the social media accounts has its particular strengths so you’ll find plenty of good book quotes in all of the PurdyBooks social media outlets, you’re more likely to find images in our Pinterest and Facebook pages and book excerpts in our Twitter posts. Bottom line: Be sure to follow PurdyBooks and don’t forget to Like the good stuff. Of course all retweets, repins and Likes are appreciated and welcomed. We’ll do the same for you.